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Did you ever want something special as a child,but then your parents said, "No - too expensive."Your dreams were dashed. Oh, Sebastian understands. But he decides he won't take no for an answer once he learns he can make the money himself - even as a child. When a scrappy little kidpreneur needs money for a skateboard, he's going to have to learn how to turn his neighbor’s no's into yeses if he wants to get rich selling rocks. How will Sebastian convince his neighbors that what they really need is a rock? This fun kidpreneur story teaches: Creative problem solving How to start a business How to make Money How to Save Money Rock Painting Craft Ideas Social Skills Self Reliance Grit Confidence Perfect for home or classroom use Ideal for Ages 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Visit: for activities and freebies related to the book