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FAFSA, CSS Profile tips, financial aid and scholarship “loopholes” that ANY family can use to qualify for 52.4% off the cost of college, even if you think, “It’s no use - families like us never get financial aid!. AND lame jokes.This here 5th edition of How to Pay "Wholesale" for College is the latest and greatest, updated version of the chatty, conversational easy-to-read book I originally wrote for "Forgotten Middle Class" families and business owners who think that the odds are stacked against them and that they can't possibly qualify for any financial aid or merit aid.Well, it's true that it's not a level playing field for six-figure-earning, mass-affluent families, but it's NOT hopeless. This book shows you how to beat the overpriced, rip-off colleges and high-fee, high rate government and other lenders at their own game.Topics include:>Should high income families bother to submit financial aid applications? The counter-intuitive answer may surprise you>The 529: Friend or foe?>How to negotiate with a college, even if you don't possess compromising photos of the dean>The strange reason why a high "sticker price" private college can actually cost you LESS out of pocket than a "cheaper" state university>WATCH OUT: Did your CPA, financial advisor or even your guidance counselor give you BAD advice that could actually SABOTAGE your eligibility for grants and merit aid? >MoreMore information, including a way to contact the author (moi) directly, can be found at