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Commercial Hampers for your home! Household Essentials' Commercial Round Laundry Hamper really does bring the look and efficiency of hotel laundry service to your home. This striking hamper is made of sturdy chromed steel with larger diameter tubing for better stability and strength. With a vinyl-lined canvas bags that folds over the top bar and attaches to itself, it is the perfect combination of strength and style. It is perfect for storing and moving large amounts of laundry quickly--perfect for a busy household. Its large, smooth rolling castors maneuver around objects effortlessly. It makes going from bedroom or dorm room to laundry room easier than ever. The cart does double work as a hamper and laundry basket: it holds clothing like a hamper and moves them like a basket. With a removable canvas bag and rolling, multi-directional castors, it's the perfect cart for your home, dorm, or residential laundry facility! And it just looks amazing.