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Product Description Formerly known as Dog River, Hood River's history is filled with lore and legends as well as abundant natural beauty. The original name of Dog River was thought to come from the demise of a native camp dog by Oregon Trail settlers desperate for meat. Later, Mary Coe, one of the first pioneers in Hood River County, determined the name needed to be changed to make it more appealing and draw settlers from the East to the beautiful valley. She selected the name Hood River after majestic Mount Hood, which stands as an iconic tribute to the geological and cultural history of Hood River County. Now famous for its wonderful fruit and extreme sports, Hood River carries on the pioneer spirit in an exciting and eclectic rural community. About the Author The History Museum has been part of Hood River County since its inception in 1907 with the Pioneer Society and later the historical society. Connie Nice has been the museum coordinator at the History Museum since 1999. Her extensive connection to the community, along with input and comments from a number of local historians, makes this collection of images a true journey through the past, present, and future of Hood River.