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Herstat is a lip protectant which provides relief from the symptoms of cold sores and can be applied directly onto a cold sore and affected skin. The ingredients within Herstat will help to provide a protective barrier around the affected area which helps to retain moisture and this in turn helps to soften cold sore scabs and helps prevent your lips from drying out. Contains Propolis - Propolis is a natural substance which has a rich history that extends back to ancient times. We use a purified propolis extract, which is collected from bee hives in the Manitoba region of Canada and refined in our own propolis refinery in Winnipeg. Soothes & Moisturizes - We use 3% propolis in our ointment which alongside the mineral oils, waxes, lanolin and other ingredients will temporarily help to soothe and moisturise and prevent your lips drying out and becoming sore and cracked. Healing - If you suffer from cold sores you will be familiar with the redness and scabbing they cause which can be really embarrassing when going about day-to-day life. The mixture of mineral oils and waxes (White Petrolatum) helps damaged skin tissue to heal by providing a moist environment (a barrier around the sore) which aids the healing process and this can speed up recovery time. Gentle on your skin - Herstat is gentle on your skin and will help prevent dry, cracked and sore lips. Pleasant to use – The propolis used in Herstat gives the ointment a pleasant smell and taste because it is rich in natural Polyphenols and Flavanoids. So it's an added bonus that Herstat will help relieve the symptoms of your cold sore whilst not leaving a bad taste in your mouth. DO NOT USE IF YOU ARE ALLERGIC TO BEE PRODUCTS