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There is no known cure for genital herpes. Oral prescription anti-viral medications can be used to help heal sores or lesions sooner and may reduce the number of outbreaks a person will have. However, the efficiency of such medications has been continually questioned. These anti-viral medicines simply do not work for everyone and patients are seemingly more apt to complain of the side effects associated with the administration of such medicinals, rather than praise their potential benefits. Alternative Management - Herdox: Studies indicate that nutrition may provide the greatest tool for immediate symptom relief and long-term remission of HSV-1 and HSV-2. Progressive Health has taken years of clinical research and developed the most effective, multi-faceted HSV supplement to date. Based around the anti-herpes nutrient L-lysine, Herdox's ingredients provide for significant improvements in immunological functioning. Additionally, when taken in conjunction with specific lifestyle changes, Herdox's scientifically proven ingredients also provide for significant anti-viral activity within the body; perhaps with the efficacy of popular prescription medications. Here are some of the ingredients included in the Herdox formula: - Zinc sulphate: Reduces both the number of episodes and the time to recovery of herpes labialis. - L-lysine: A clinical trial of an ointment containing lysine, zinc and botanicals revealed full resolution of symptoms in 40% of patients with oral herpes by the third day of treatment and 87% by the sixth day. - Lemon Balm Powder: In a multi-center study, a preparation of propolis demonstrated superior activity over both acyclovir and placebo ointments in healing genital herpetic lesions, and in reducing local symptoms. Herdox is guaranteed to lessen the number of outbreaks you have, decrease severity of outbreaks when they occur, and speed healing time when blisters and lesions, or other side effects are present. *Results may vary from person to person.