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Material: Irradiation cross-linked polyolefin Minimum Shrinkage Temp: +70°C Full Shrinkage Temp: +110°C maximum Item Shape and Marking: Round/Flat, diameter is printed on tube Package Contents: Quantity x Supplied internal diameter x Single length x Color - 40pcsx 1/12" x 1 1/5"(White) - 40pcs x 1/10" x 2 2/5" (Black) - 20pcs x 1/7" x 2 2/5" (White) - 15pcs x 1/5" x 2 2/5" (Black) - 11pcs x 1/4" x 2 2/5" (White) - 8pcs x 5/16" x 4" (White) - 8pcs x 2/5"x 4" (Black) - 8pcs x 1/2" x 4" (Black) How to use 1. Select the proper size. 2. Insert the wires to the heat shrink tubing. 3. Use the heat gun or lighter or hair dryer to shrink the tube. 4. Don't touch the tube until it is cool completely. Note: Keep about 1/2 inch distance when using the lighter to shrink the tube, or it may leave a black mark on the tube. Keep it moving when you apply the heat, and it will shrink and wrap quite nicely.