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The following story is an experiment. It unfolds as a dialogue between two unlikely partners (Business & Heart) and me as Coach facilitating the discussion. I was curious what would happen when we bring these voices together and create a space for them to interact. As I started writing, my only purpose was to embody these characters as objectively as possible. Although I hoped the dialogue would lead to a productive outcome I was also open to the conversation breaking down early on. My interpretation of “Business” is based on my extensive experience working in a large corporate environment. The voice of “Heart” is a reflection of my personal beliefs, my extensive Heart in Business Research and the influence of my mentors over the years. Finally, the role I play as Coach is an attempt to demonstrate the unique value I can add in helping businesses unlock exciting new opportunities. I hope the following dialogue will shed light on the benefits of a Business / Heart partnership, create greater interest in Coaching and open minds to the creative potential inherent in business to transform the world’s greatest challenges into new growth opportunities.