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PYRAMID IS ONE OF ENERGY DEVICES and was used as such in an Ancient Egypt. It has been proven that pyramids generate the natural flow of energy circulation in the body, strengthens the power of intention and harmonize the environment. With a pyramid you can achieve your goals faster. Whichever goal you have - spiritual, material, career, relationship or health Benefits of EMF PROTECTION Pyramid with Gold, Obsidian, Tourmaline and Quartz Tourmaline emits far infrared rays and its energy can broadcast right into the environment. For that reason, tourmaline is always best kept in proximity – in home or office. Tourmaline emitted energy can help to remove toxins from the body. It boosts vitality and vigor in both men and women. Obsidian has powerful metaphysical properties that will help to shield you against negativity and offer psychic protection. Obsidian resonance within the root chakra is very strong. This powerful vibration aids you to ground yourself. EMF PROTECTION PYRAMID will help you to release any negativity that your day to day life may have caused by your own or others anger, fear, resentment and even stress. It may be used to cut karmic ties, and to help you to seal your aura against future problems. Ways of Using the EMF PROTECTION ORGONE PYRAMID 1. It may help to stimulate prophetic dreams or visions, or messages while in meditation. 2. Combining with other high crystal energy stones it will stimulate the higher chakras and may aid the development of psychic abilities and contribute to your overall spiritual growth.. 3. Charge it with your energy, holding it in hands or putting open palms towards it for 2 minutes. 4. Charge it keeping it in sunlight for 1 day and moonlight for 1 night. Pyramid can also be great as a home décor, or a perfect gift.