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IMPORTANT NOTE: Please make sure this dress Ships from and sold by gsunmmw before placing orders. DO NOT order this item from other sellers, because your purchase won't get guaranteed. If you found the dress is NOT Ships from and sold by gsunmmw,TWO STEPS to order from us:1. Click"New(2) FROM $65; 2.Chose the seller information "gsunmmw" to add to cart. gsunmmw dresses are all handmade,quality guaranteed! This dress is elegant and beautiful,and it is suitable for homecoming,prom,evening party or other formal occasions. If you can not sure your right size according our size shart,you can send us your measurement details as list. 1.Full Bust _____ inch or ___ cm 2.Waist _____ inch or ___ cm 3.Hips _____ inch or ___ cm 4.Shoulder to Shoulder ____ inch or ___ cm 5.Hollow to floor(Shoulder to Feet without in shoes) ___ inch or ___ cm 6.Height: _____inch or ___ cm 7.The height of your high heel shoes: _____inch or ___ cm 8.Phone Number______ 9.The date you need the dress_____ About how to return, please don't worry.When you received the product,please check it carefully.If dress has some problem,please feel free to contact us,we will try our best to solve the problem.We cannot accept your return request under the conditions as follows: (1)The product is Dirty,Damaged,Worn or Washed. (2)Personal reasons such as wrong size provided or wrong color selected. Computer screens have chromatic aberration,especially between CRT screen and LCD screen, but the difference is small. If you have any other question,please contact us freely, and we are always at your service!