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Venusil HPLC columns are manufactured from the highest purity spherical silica particles on the market. The outstanding properties of the HPLC phases are results of subjecting high quality silica to GS-Tek's innovative surface modificationand unique bonding processes. Our proprietary nanosurface modificationgenerates a very smooth and even surface. This reduces the interaction between the silica surface and polar compounds, resulting in symmetric peak shape even for very basic compounds. Based on this technology, a series of unique columns was developed to meet the tough requirements for the analysis of highly polar compounds. Lot-to-lot reproducibility is ensured by a stable bonding/end-capping process. Venusil XBP C18 columns have the maximum bonding density therefore the highest hydrophobicity (the lowest polarity). This allows for the least interaction between the analytes and the silanol groups. Venusil XBP columns have extraordinary column stability at high pHs. Pore size: 100Å, 300 Å; Specific surface: 380 m2/g, 45m2/g; Purity > 99.999%;