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Moso Calibration bring bass heavy electronic music to Japan's idol scene. With tracks produced by BABYMETAL writer Yuyoyuppe (KARATE, Megistune), under his electronic alter ego DJ'TEKINA//SOMETHING, and managed by Japan's subculture pioneers Dear Stage, responsible for the idol phenomenon of Dempagumi. Inc (over 56 million views on YouTube), Moso Calibration is set to break out of Japan with the release of GREATEST HITS WORLD 8 SELECTION. It will be their first album released and available exclusively outside of Japan, and includes all of their singles - yet to feature on any albums in Japan. The group will also be appearing and performing at HYPER JAPAN in London between 14-16 July 2017 to promote the album. Moso Calibration bring bass heavy electronic music to Japan's idol scene. For fans of: Kyary Pamyu Pamyu, BABYMETAL, Katy Perry, Melanie Martinez, Perfume, K-pop, anime, Japan. Several tracks written by BABYMETAL producer Yuyoyuppe (KARATE, Megistune), under his electronic alter ego DJ'TEKINA//SOMETHING.