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Beast Feast Maine started in 2007 with the concept of holding an annual wild game supper for sportsman and outdoor enthusiasts as a men's Christian outreach. I created a honey ginger sauce to enhance the flavour of wild duck and from there I started getting requests for it. As its popularity grew, I started producing more sauces for various wild game meats and fish. I started promoting the sauces for wild meats but as it gained popularity, and feedback was so positive for other meats, I then started promoting it for all meats, wild and domestic. Within a short time, the sauces started to gain momentum and my wife and I started doing craft fairs, country fairs, BBQ events, etc. We now produce over 40 products and are in over 100 retail, specially food stores, grocery stores and meat and fish markets. My sauces are very "clean" and appeal to every consumer because of it, they are not organic certified but contain many organic ingredients, most of my sauces and all of the rubs are gluten-free, however the BBQ line is not. The flavors are not like most other sauces, for example, Habanero/Sage, a medium heat with the refreshing flavour of sage to mellow the heat and enhance the flavour of the habanero pepper, Maple Chipotle, made with pure New England Maple syrup (my best selling sauce and which won "Peoples Choice Award" at a BBW event in 2012), We are currently distributed in ME, NH, MA, CT and NJ with the help of small independent distributors and because of our online presence, we have had the pleasure to ship as far away as Oregon and Texas with several states in between, we just filled a hot sauce order for Idaho as a matter of fact! We Use Only The Finest Ingredients Available!