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Notice This item is shipped from Chinese warehouse.Shipping out time is around 1-5 days.Delivery time is around 18-35 days via standard shipping for corona virus issue.Expedited shipping is 8-18 days when it is available.Please note this delivery time before ordering to avoid return trouble during shipping. The buying price don't include destination cost and taxes.These costs is only incurred in few countries sometimes which is not we can control.If you care about this,please not order is ok.Thanks for your understanding. GK64X is wired edition which is upgraded for GK64.PCB is black high quality.GK64XS is bluetooth edition upgraded for GK64s,battery is 1900mah.Bluetooth edition support wired and bluetooth both. The one sold in this link is replacable plate which support 6.25u space as well as 2.25u 2.75u split space.The space is screwed to case directly.So if you want to replace normal GH60 case,you need to replace a non -replacable GH60 size plate is ok. The stabilizers is produced by Gateron factory which is better than before.For linear switches,please unistall the stabilizer and clip it to get better tactile feeling.If clicky switches,can just keep the status.. GK64x /GK64xs adds insert pin for underglow RGB strip now. The new plastic case is ABS amoulded by Zealio factory which is higher quality and looks better than before. Pls note: This pcb is fully programmable,however Fn sits at the right of bottom row and place can't change. The chipset is MCU 32 bit,8M Flash,3 pcs 256*256*256 RGB drive to support full 16.8 million RGB. PCB has switches RGB presoldered,it's under per switch.There is no underglow RGB presoldered. PCB is programmable with the software below (Can download on official website)