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Great Mother's Day Gift - Bilingual German Book for kids My Mom is the best: English-German Children's picture book (Bilingual Edition) Bilingual English German Picture book for children Gift this Bilingual German book on mother’s birthday. A lovely book (German - English) for Mother's day! Spoken from a child's perspective, this beautifully illustrated dual book highlights the many things mothers do for their family, everyday. Children across the world offer to help their mothers with good intentions. But the help sometimes end up with disastrous or hilarious results! Still, it’s the thought of helping that counts … Some of the pictures are humorous because children sometimes cause more mess when they help ... Bright and cheerful illustrations will have your children (ages 3 - 7) asking for more ... Beginning readers (German) will be able to read this book by themselves. Don't be surprised if they ask to help out in the house! A must have in every mother's collection of books. Happy Mother's Day, every day!! More books by Best selling author Sujatha Lalgudi My daddy is the best - (Bilingual German English book for children) Jojo's Christmas day - German Picture book Where is Santa? - German picture book for children Where is my turkey? - German picture book for children Jojo’s Playful Day - Picture book in German for children ( Opposites book - Bilingual German English (German sight words) Das perfekte Gute-Nacht-Buch für Mütter und Kinder Ein Buch zum Freuen und Glücklichsein - für alle Mamas und Kinder! liebevolle Illustrationen Mutter-Kind-Erlebnisse Eine lustige Buch zum Vorlesen mit vielen farbigen Illustrationen. Ein Lieblingsbuch zum Immer-wieder-Anschauen! Lies dieses Buch zum Muttertag mit deinem Kind. Dieses hübsch illustrierte Buch erzählt aus der Perspektive eines Kindes die vielen Dinge, die Mütter für ihre Familie tun. Lustige Bilder auf jeder Seite machen deinen Kindern (3-6 Jahre) Spass. Leseanfänger können dieses Buch allein lesen. Wundern Sie sich nicht, wenn ihre Kinder plötzlich im Haushalt helfen! Alles Gute zum Muttertag! Tags: German children's books,,Bilingual Children's Books, children's German, German English bilingual, Bilingual Books, German Bilingual, Bilingual Education, Foreign Language Learning, German kids,ESL, English as a Second Language, ESL for Children, ESL for Kids, ESL Teaching Materials, EFL, English as a Foreign Language, EFL Books, EFL for Children, ELL, English Language Learner, EAL, English as an Additional Language, Children's Picture Book, Bilingual German,Dual Language, Foreign Language Study, ESOL, English for Speakers of Other Languages