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M16-1.5 x 1.0 D 18-8 S/S Free Running Wire Insert Product Attributes: ✔ Grade------------18-8 ✔ Thread Size------------1.5 ✔ Drill Size------------16.5mm ✔ Style------------Free Running ✔ Diameter------------M16 ✔ Material------------Stainless Steel ✔ Thread------------Fine ✔ Type------------Wire Threaded Insert ✔ System of Measurement------------Metric ✔ Length------------16mm Product description: Coil (helical) thread repair insert designed to repair or reinforce tapped holes in soft metals, like aluminum, magnesium, and cast iron. To repair a tapped hole, simply overdrill and retap the hole with the appropriate tap. Thread the insert into place with the appropriately sized installation tool. Quick and simple repairs to tapped holes in metal; Lightweight and inexpensive design; Superior thread with greater holding power. About Us Fullerkreg operates 2 custom packaging service centers to meet your specifications. Fullerkreg Fastener Kits can include standard Fastenal parts, non-standard parts, customer-specific parts, or a combination depending on your needs. Yes, You CAN get all of your fasteners from a single source-Fullerkreg