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Mix of tropical fruit cards from photograph images of markets in South America. About the Photographer She spent her childhood summers at camp in the Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York where she developed a love of nature, the outdoors, and mountain climbing. Her passion for conservation grew as she traveled and explored many ruins in Latin America. Using her photographs from Peru, she hopes to inspire enthusiasm for travel and the preservation of the surrounding historical environment. Durante su ni-ez, ella sol'a ir al campamento de verano en las monta-as Adirondack al norte del estado de Nueva York, donde desarroll- un amor por la naturaleza, el aire libre y el escalar monta-as. Su pasi-n por la conservaci-n creci- aœn m‡s cuando viaj- y explor- muchas ruinas en LatinoamŽrica. Utilizando sus fotograf'as de Perœ, espera inspirar el entusiasmo por viajar y conservar el ambiente hist-rico.