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While studying Chinese linguistics at a university renowned as "the most beautiful campus of the Orient", Lu Li developed a great interest in her homeland’s history and culture. When she began teaching Chinese to international students this interest flowered into a curiosity about how China’s long and complex cultural history fit in with the cultures of the rest of the world. How was the development of Chinese civilization unique? How was its development similar to that of other civilizations? Her work as a teacher of international students gave her a unique perspective on how cultures around the world compared and contrasted with one another. She came to believe that helping people around the world better understand people and cultures of other lands could encourage people to accept and respect the history and traditions of other countries. Two Rivers follows Lu’s journey through life from her birthplace on the banks of the Qin Huai River (site of the ancient capital of China’s Six Dynasties) to the Tidal Basin in the National Capital of the United States. As we travel with her, we experience the places she has visited, the people she has met, and the adventures she has lived. During our journey with her, she relates her personal experience to history, culture, and language. She also makes connections to past and contemporary stories and events. By the end of our journey perhaps we have narrowed the gap between groups of people who have different languages, cultures, and histories. After all, it seems that the people of the world are more alike than they are different.