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Note: This is a Print-on-Demand Book, customers may disregard 'out of stock' notice. From Beaches to Mountains: 38 walks and hikes in the Stavanger Region presents an English language hiking guide to this part southern Norway. A shimmering kaleidoscope of rugged mountains, deep-cut fjords, delightful islands and windswept coasts can all be experienced on day hikes in the area. From Beaches and Mountains: 38 walks and hikes in the Stavanger Region hands you the key to unlock these treasures on foot. The book offers a wide range of walks and hikes, starting with urban discoveries (complete with the quintessential waffle cafe amongst the locals), and progressing to challenging gateways into the rugged mountains, pristine forests, and wilderness of the glacier-sculpted Norwegian highland plateaus. The book is intended as a ‘how to’ and ‘where to’ guide. The first 5 chapters are dedicated to the ‘how to’ of enjoying hiking in this particular part of the world. The second part of the book is devoted to presenting the walks and hikes in detail. There are directions to the start of the hike, sketch maps, a detailed description of the hike including navigation tips, and any other highlights not to be missed. As a collection, these hikes showcase the incredible variety and beauty of the landscapes in this part of Norway. Well known vertigo highlights such as the ‘Pulpit Rock’ and ‘Kjeragbolten’ are described, but the authors aim at taking the hiker to many more far less known tops and places with stunning views, breath-taking trails and the opportunity to take a break from urban life. The options presented are suitable for many, be it families wanting to go on an adventure, a group of friends exploring or just you and your backpack. Norwegian culture and society embraces this marvellous outdoors, making it free for all to explore and enjoy. Find a hike to suit your mood, ability and level of confidence.