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100502072 Size: 3 Pound, Pet Type: Hamster/Gerbil Features: -Available in Chinchilla, Chinchilla Honey Sticks, Guinea Pig, Ham / Gerb Honey Stick and Hamster / Gerbil. -Available in 3 Pound, 25 Pound, 4 Ounce, 5 Pound, 10 Pound and 8 Ounce sizes. -Allergen information: manufactured in a facility that processes peanuts and other tree nuts. -Protection - rich in natural antioxidants for immune support and general health. Product Type: -Food. Small Animal Type: -Chinchilla/Guinea Pig/Hamster. Pet Category: -Small Animals. Color: -Blues & Purples. Generic Dimensions: -Chinchilla / 3 lbs Weight: 3.05 lbs. -Chinchilla / 3 lbs 9" H x 7" W x 4" D. -Chinchilla / 25 lbs Weight: 25.6 lbs. -Chinchilla / 25 lbs .5" H x 14.5" W x 25" D. Dimensions: Overall Height - Top to Bottom: -9 Inches. Overall Width - Side to Side: -8.75 Inches. Overall Depth - Front to Back: -4.75 Inches.