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Product Fits the following sizes: 6.70R/7.10R/7.50R/GR/HR/LR-78-15LT, LT215/235-75R15, LT225/75R15, LT235/75R15, LT245/70R15, LT255/70R15, P215/75R15, P225/75R15, P235/75R15, P245/70R15, P255/70R15 SAFETY WARNING: DISREGARDING THESE MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS MAY RESULT IN EXPLOSION CAUSING SERIOUS INJURY, OR DEATH. ONLY SPECIALLY TRAINED PERSONS USING PROPER EQUIPMENT SHOULD SERVICE TIRES AND TUBES. 1. Insert the tube in the tire, making sure any valve offset is in the same direction as the offset of the valve hole in the rim. Partially inflate to ROUND OUT tube. 2. Lubricate the base of the tube and the insides and bases of the tire beads with suitable mounting lubricant (Never use anti-freeze, silicones or petroleum-based lubricants). When a flap is required, lubricate the rim side of the flap as well as the surface that will contact the tire. 3. Mount tire onto rim, completely install rings, and check for proper seating of components. 4. BEFORE FURTHER INFLATION, THE ENTIRE RIM/TIRE ASSEMBLY MUST BE PLACED IN A SAFETY CAGE, OR OTHER EQUIVALENT RESTRAINING DEVICE. ALWAYS STAND CLEAR OF ASSEMBLY WHILE INFLATING AND USE A REMOTE CONTROL INFLATION HOSE WITH AN IN-LINE GAGE AND CLIP-ON CHUCK. 5. NEVER EXCEED 40 PSI (35 PSI ON AGRICULTURAL TIRES) TO SEAT BEADS. IF THE BEADS DO NOT FULLY SEAT, DEFLATE THE ASSEMBLY, DEMOUNT THE TIRE, RELUBRICATE, AND REPEAT THE PROCESS. 6. After beads are fully seated, DEFLATE COMPLETELY to remove any buckles in the tube. Then reinflate to recommended operating pressure and thoroughly inspect for full and proper assembly BEFORE removing from the restraining device.