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Have You Been Looking For An Easy, Effective Way To Keep Your Money, Important Files And Documents Safe From Fire And Water? This Top Notch Fireproof Storage Bag Is Exactly What You Need! Cash, legal contracts, old photos and letters that keep your best memories alive and valuable items such as jewelry! Their value make you feel anxious about whether you keep them well protected or not. Both water and fire could completely ruin your precious things, causing great damage. What if we told you that there is a simple way to safely store them and eliminate the threat once and for all? No! We are not joking! DocuSafe Security presents you with the ultimate fireproof storage pouch which is bound to meet all your demands. This fire and water resistant document holder is the perfect choice for those of you who settle for nothing less than the best! Withstanding up to 1100 degrees Fahrenheit. Ideal For Countless Uses There is no limit to what you can store in this fireproof money bag. The long list includes anything from cash, bank files, legal contracts, important documents, CDs, disks, USBs, certificates, coins, jewelry and many more! Make it yours and leave your worries behind! Click Add To Cart Now Before We Are Sold Out Again!