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With a name signifying strength, Italian Espresso Forte Whole Coffee Beans from Faro Roasting Houses makes a perfect luxurious cup every time. This is a 2 lb blend of Robusta and Arabica beans from Brazil, Guatemala and Peru.This luscious and luxurious espresso blend encompasses everything thats great about Italian coffee. With a strong crema, a brown sugar aroma and a full-bodied texture and flavor, you can enjoy Faro Italian Espresso Forte as it is, or use it as the basis for a wonderful cappuccino or cafe latte, depending on your taste. The beans are a washed blend of Robusta and Arabica coffee beans, specially sourced from Brazil, Guatemala and Peru. With this unique blend we have captured the bright, lively spicy quality that is such a strong characteristic of the Americas, and combined it with the earthy, deep flavors of coffee from the Indo-Pacific. Choose whole beans for the ultimate versatility in your coffee making grind to your personal taste and brew your coffee using whatever method works best for you, whether youre making a single portion to drink on the go, or impressing your guests at a fine dining evening. At Faro Roasting Houses, we take the greatest of care to source only the very finest coffee beans from the most renowned coffee growing regions of the world. This high quality blend provides a delicious espresso coffee every time, however you choose to drink it.