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Don't Just Learn Fractions ...Master Them!Brimming with fun and educational games and activities, the MagicalMath series provides everything you need to know to become a masterof mathematics! In each of these books, Lynette Long uses her ownunique style to help you truly understand mathematical concepts asyou play with everyday objects such as playing cards, dice, coins,and paper and pencil.Inside Fabulous Fractions, you'll find out all about fractions,from what they look like to how to write them, to the relationshipbetween fractions and decimals, and more. While playing excitinggames like Super Domino ESP and Reduce It!, you'll learn aboutproper fractions and how to reduce them. And with games likeCombination Pizza, Fraction Jeopardy!, and three-in-a-Row-Bingo,you'll learn to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions whileyou have fun!So why wait? Jump right in and find out how easy it is to become amathematics master!