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The ultimate book for beginners who want to learn origami!In this book you'll learn all the basic folds and techniques through incredibly detailed sets of diagrams and written instructions.After learning the basics you'll find easy to follow instructions showing how to fold 77 traditional origami models including animals, flowers, insects, boxes and much more.By working through this book and folding the different models you'll practice all the different folds and techniques, improving your skills and folding progressively more complex origami.When you reach the end you'll know everything you need to become an origami master!Please note, this book is not for you if you're already an origami expert. If you know how to fold the traditional origami frog from a frog base then you probably already know everything this book can teach you.Below is a detailed list of all the models taught in this book.Beginner LevelDog FaceCat FaceLadybugChristmas TreeCupHouseFoxSwanCicadaFlyPigeonSamurai HelmetFortune TellerTurtleParakeetPeacockParrotTalking FishCrownRoosterEasy DifficultyAngel FishButterflyGoldfishPianoLong BoxSailboatChickPenguin DuckPajaritaPinwheelAngel FishCrabBirdPigLanternYakko-SanChairBeetleSitting DogSitting ElephantTalking CrowCarpWhaleSealRabbitIntermediate DifficultyMandarin DuckChickenCatamaranFishDolphinFlapping BirdCraneCrowHeronHorseSwallowRabbitTableWater BombTulipBunny BalloonGoldfish BalloonJumping FrogButterflyLotus FlowerMasu BoxMasu Box LidChallenging ModelsMasu Box DividerSitting CraneStar BoxOwlDragonIrisDifficult ModelsDragonfly Phoenix Frog