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Ranked a core title by Doody’s Review Services, Ethics in Health Services Management, Fifth Edition provides the principles to educate students and guide practitioners as they strive to make the “right” decision when ethical problems arise. The ethical dimensions of managing health services are daunting, but this highly regarded volume teaches managers how to recognize and respond confidently to the challenges of ethics and conduct in their work. Offering a solid foundation for effectively identifying and solving ethical problems, this book objectively examines the difficult choices and ethical implications raised as managers operationalize the principles of respect for persons, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice. The fifth edition of this text features seven all-new cases, with expanded attention to public health and the coordination of community health services. Filled with practical, problem-solving strategies and tools, this text will educate and inform those who would be leaders in health services organizations. Readers will come to understand their roles as moral agents, expected to balance the demands of the organization with autonomy, primacy, and protection of patients. This is an indispensable text for health services management education and a primer for both clinical and nonclinical managers.