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Product Description Another gorgeous copublication with the Christine Burgin Gallery, Emily Dickinson's Envelope Poems is a compact clothbound gift book, a full-color selection from The Gorgeous Nothings. Although a very prolific poet―and arguably America’s greatest―Emily Dickinson (1830–1886) published fewer than a dozen of her eighteen hundred poems. Instead, she created at home small handmade books. When, in her later years, she stopped producing these, she was still writing a great deal, and at her death she left behind many poems, drafts, and letters. It is among the makeshift and fragile manuscripts of Dickinson’s later writings that we find the envelope poems gathered here. These manuscripts on envelopes (recycled by the poet with marked New England thrift) were written with the full powers of her late, most radical period. Intensely alive, these envelope poems are charged with a special poignancy―addressed to no one and everyone at once. Full-color facsimiles are accompanied by Marta L. Werner and Jen Bervin’s pioneering transcriptions of Dickinson’s handwriting. Their transcriptions allow us to read the texts, while the facsimiles let us see exactly what Dickinson wrote (the variant words, crossings-out, dashes, directional fields, spaces, columns, and overlapping planes). Review "Here is a book almost as rare as its author, Emily Dickinson (1830–1886)." ― Larry Smith, New York Journal of Books "[The Gorgeous Nothings] opens up an aspect of her craft that suggests she was, in the so-called late ecstatic period of her career, experimenting with creating texts in relation to the visual, spatial, and technological possibilities of her medium―composing in response to the confines of her writing world rather than despite it." ― Jessica Michalofsky, Quarterly Conversation "The Gorgeous Nothings is proof that one of our most important poets can still amaze and teach us new thing about the practice of poetry." ― Hannah Star Rogers, Tupelo Quarterly "Dickinson’s incandescent thinking is everywhere on display, and the makeshift nature of the scraps gives us a vivid idea of what composition must have felt like for a woman whose thoughts raced far ahead of her ability to capture them." ― Dan Chiasson, The New Yorker "This exquisitely produced book The Gorgeous Nothings―lovingly curated by Bervin and Werner―allows you to encounter Emily Dickinson’s ‘envelope poems’ in full-color facsimile for the first time. It’s an experience suspended between reading and looking, of toggling between those two modes of perception, and it thoroughly refreshes both. " ― Ben Lerner "The first and immediate shocks are in the words, with other, lingering, aftershocks following in the visual details of their settings. The great thing about [The Gorgeous Nothings] is, of course, that it gives us all of this, complete." ― Holland Cotter, The New York Times "Magnificent: the absolute perfect combination of solid scholarship and art." ― Susan Howe "The Gorgeous Nothings is a rare gift for all poetry lovers." ― Craig Morgan Teicher, NPR "Visual poets around the world will soon be mining these endlessly suggestive fragments." ― Marjorie Perloff, Times Literary Supplement "We see from The Gorgeous Nothings the way [Dickinson's] art and life were not separate endeavors. Dickinson wrote poetry every time she addressed or received an envelope. Whenever there was paper around, she put quill or pencil right to it. Dickinson, master of paradox. started these un-conversations with nobody, and so many years after her death, now―in curled script, with their sweet, perfect Ms and half-formed Ys, unpublished and unseen until now―they speak to us. And they have so much yet to say." ― Brenda Shaughnessy, Los Angeles Times "An insightful new volume, The Gorgeous Nothings, edited by Jen Bervin and Marta Werner, also provides a fascinating glimpse of Dickinson by assembling images documenting the poetry she scrawled on repurposed envelopes―envelopes that have