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Exercises are a mainstay in the field of business continuity, disaster response, emergency response and incident management planning. Although many companies conduct exercises, and the organizers may be emergency response subject matter experts, they do not excel in the discipline of designing and conducting the actual exercise - which means they simply don't get the best results out of their effort. This thoughtful book starts with a "silly little question": Why are we doing this? What seems like a simple query is actually one of the keys to get the most out of every exercise you design. This text peels back the design process with the goal of creating the best experience possible. Whether you are developing a simple tabletop exercises or working on a full-scale extravaganza that resembles a Hollywood movie, this book will provide you with gems of wisdom that will make your next exercise sizzle. An internationally recognized expert in exercise design, Regina Phelps shares many of her secrets to ensure your exercise success.