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WHY DID WE CREATE ELONGTRESS HAIR GROWTH ENHANCER?In hair communities around the world many people have always been aware of the unique benefits of castor oil and various essential oils in growing hair and reversing hair loss. However, the products available in beauty supply stores and online don't have quite the right mix of ingredients that truly maximize our hair growing potential. The only choice many were left with was manually mixing different concentrated essential oils with carrier oils which is a messy process, produces inconsistent results and can lead to allergic reactions when essential oils are used in the wrong amounts. Our unique formula contains a blend of castor oil, grape seed oil, coconut oil and our own blend of essential oils like lavender oil, rosemary oil, cedarwood oil and peppermint oil that have ALL been shown in studies to be helpful in hair growth and hair loss. Used regularly, Elongtress Fancy oil will stimulate the scalp and follicles increasing your hair growth rate. It also revitalizes weak, dry damaged hair keeping it hydrated for longer while also keeping the scalp supple and moisturized. REAP THE BENEFITS OF PLANT POWERED HAIR OILS FOR FASTER HAIR GROWTHElongtress fancy oils are based on all natural plant oils and essential oils and with 4 fabulous fragrances to choose from you are sure to find one that you will enjoy using to grow your hair and retain it's length. HIGH-QUALITY HANDMADE PRODUCTSOur oils are unmistakably unique, and being handmade you can be sure of receiving the very best quality while receiving incredible results. All you need to do is to apply the product regularly to your hair and scalp and watch your hair transform!