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Tail of firefly design GLOWS in the dark! Male and female fireflies will flash signals back and forth as a way of communicating with each other. Every species of firefly has its own pattern of flashing. Kids see the world on a more magnified scale and are naturally curious. Every stick, bug and flower is fascinating to them. They are riveted by animals and by machines - by that turtle in the pet store or the fire engine racing down the street - and the mechanics of how they work. It's that way of seeing the world that inspired us to create Elemental Ts. We thought it would be fun to put a more scientific spin on some perennial childhood favorites - and to introduce some new ones. Our designs feature detailed images of both wildlife and man-made objects in the style of line drawings found in classic science textbooks while keeping the fun and vibrant color combinations that kids really want to wear. And since our two boys are captivated by all of the working "parts" of the world around them, and get a kick out of learning what everything is called, we chose to keep scientific labels on the illustrations