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- The Tomita Method -The Tomita Method is based on modern osteopathy and uses new hand techniques that were developed in Japan during recent years.Each case is analyzed individually. Treatment techniques are chosen carefully according to the state of the patient and to the origin of the tension or pain. Treatment does not focus on the painful body part but rather works to re-establish balance and flexibility in myofascial connective tensions to decrease that very pain.At Atelier Tomita, we believe that well-being can be maintained by ourselves. We thus also teach how to provide personalized coaching for small gestures and gentle techniques that can be performed by your partient (or by yourself) to finally say goodbye to pain and ejoy life in a healthy body.- About this book -This Manual is intended to complement the Tomita Method - Efficient Myofascia Release - Course for Professional Bodyworkers, under supervision of an accredited Instructor. It is divided into eight chapters, building up from the basic principles and hand techniques of the Tomita Method, to the release of tension around the entire body. You will find clear illustrations, straight forward explanations and useful tips to perform the treatments on your patients.- Norio Tomita - With a Master's degree of Mechanical Engineering from Keio University, Norio Tomita has developed medical 3D imaging ultrasound devices and has worked for years in collaboration with renown doctors, particularly in cardiology. Fascinated by the inter-connectivity of inner parts of the body, he is pursuing scientific research on the functions of myofascia, the filament membrane that encapsulates and retains together vital organs and muscles.Mastering various Seitai (Japanese osteopathy) and massage techniques, he developed his own method of treatments which he practices and teaches in Tokyo, New York and Montreal.