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Peace - Globalization - Environmental Economics - Political Science Permanent global peace and sustainable development. The evolution from plunder by raids to plunder by trade began 800 to 1,000 years ago in the Free Cities of Europe. As those cities evolved into nations and those nations into empires, plunder by trade was plunder by both raids and trade was practiced. Plunder by trade has been the dominant feature of world trade since WWII. But the developing world is now aware and that structure of world trade may soon be history. The secret of free enterprise capital accumulation is rooted in history. The unwitting hand their wealth to the cunning. Wars are battles over who decides the rules of unequal trade The world breaking free frightened the security councils of every Western nation. Suppressing economic freedom, suppressing freedom of thought in a democracy Creating enemies for the masses, capital destroying capital. Equal free trade as opposed to unequal free trade. Guidelines for world development A new hope for the world. A grand strategy for world peace and prosperity. A modern land, technology, money, and information commons increases economic efficiency equal to the invention of money, the printing press and electricity.