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Early Start on the Violin: A violin method for children aged four and older. Volume 2 in our series, with colour illustrations and easy-to-read fingering charts, contains not only nursery rhymes and folk songs but also classical recital pieces for two violins to help learners improve their ability to read music. They will become acquainted with dotted notes, 16th notes (semiquavers) and their first double stops as well as with changing between high and low finger positions. The volume is pioneering with its early introduction of playing in different positions: by combining finger patterns, the cornerstone of good scale technique, learners can play major and minor scales in every position without using open strings and this often in the very first year of lessons! This allows them to transpose the familiar nursery rhymes they have already mastered into other keys and higher positions. Together with the beginning shifting exercises, it provides a solid basis for early virtuosity a great advantage offered by no other tutor in the same way. To accompany this volume we recommend the two volumes of the Violin Recital Album (BA 9668, BA 9669), edited by Kurt and Christoph Sassmannshaus and Melissa Lusk. They contain delightful recital pieces in first position with piano accompaniment and an optional second violin part, allowing young players to display their progress in recitals.