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The Aloe Vera plant has been renowned for centuries for its health, beauty, and medicinal properties. Taken internally, there are a wide range of benefits, particularly to the gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal systems. When applied externally, the Aloe Vera plant and juice are a defense against minor skin irritations, can expedite healing of burns and wounds, and acts as a natural moisturizer..The Aloe Vera plant, a member of the Lily Family, is a succulent plant, closely resembling a Cactus in appearance. There are many types of Aloe Vera, but the most nutritious and medicinally effective is the Barbadensis Miller.Dynamic Health Laboratories'™ Aloe Vera Juice is Naturally Flavored with one of three delicious flavors so that you can either enjoy sipping it pure or mixed with your favorite beverage.Among the different varieties of the Aloe plant, the Barbadensis Miller exhibits the most effective beneficial properties. Taken internally, Aloe Vera has been shown to have various beneficial effects on the body. Aloe Vera Juice has been demonstrated to strengthen and fortify the following body systems: Digestion, Laxative, Immune System , Skin Care. Burns and Sunburn, Blood Circulation.