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Product Description Unpleasant, uncomfortable, and unexplained side effects? Drug Muggers is your side effect solution. Prescription and over-the-counter drugs help millions of people with devastat-ing diseases and chronic conditions. But in the process, these medications can also deplete the body's natural stores of vitamins, minerals, and hormones—the very nutrients you need to keep energy levels high, fend off infections, and be healthy. Pharmacist Suzy Cohen calls these medications "drug muggers," and she says it's essential to replenish what a drug mugger steals from your body in order to feel your best and avoid side effects. Not understanding the drug-mugging effect may lead to new "diseases" and possibly catastrophic health con-sequences. You'll discover: • How to relieve uncomfortable or potentially serious side effects • How to remain compliant with your medication and still feel well • Which foods and drinks to avoid if you take certain medications • How to install a nutrient security system with vitamins, minerals, and food choices Plus! • Improve your energy levels • Learn which minerals you need if you take heartburn medicine • Improve digestion and relieve constipation with a simple nutrient • Discover the antioxidant you must have to save your heart • Get your hair and nails to grow faster by replenishing nutrients • Find out which vitamins and minerals are the purest and highest quality • Learn which vitamins outperform medications in some cases Drug Muggers is an eye-opener! It reveals why you may be feeling so poorly and how to improve your well-being with affordable nutrients that are sold over the counter. You can (and will) improve the way you feel—whether or not you take medicine! About the Author Suzy Cohen, RPh, has been a licensed pharmacist for more than 20 years and writes the syndicated health column "Dear Pharmacist." She has made guest appearances as "America's Most Trusted Pharmacist" on many network shows, including The View and The Dr. Oz Show, and hosts a medical minute on the syndicated TV health show Know the Cause. Suzy is a member of the Institute of Functional Medicine, American College for Advancement in Medicine, and the American Association of Anti-Aging Medicine. Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved. Chapter 1 What Is a Drug Mugger? And Why Should You Care? As a licensed pharmacist for 22 years, I have a confession to make: Some medications scare me! Don't get me wrong. As someone who has been dispensing prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs for many years, I have a deep respect for what they can do. Pharmaceuticals can ease your pain, help you breathe better, keep you from having a seizure, and alleviate allergy symptoms that make your life miserable. The list of life- enhancing benefits goes on and on and on. But--and, oh boy, is this a big but--while fixing the one problem that you take the pharmaceutical to fix, that drug is likely robbing you of life- sustaining nutrients in the process. Many, in fact most, of the medicines you're taking have the potential to steal the life out of you slowly. How does that grab you? The ultimate effects of this nutrient depletion explain everything from nagging aches to life-threatening diseases. Millions of people are slipping through these drug-caused nutrient deficiency cracks as they get sicker and sicker each year. The system is so out of whack that people think it's normal to see eight or nine different physicians for an ailment that eludes diagnosis. And there's a good chance that the ailment can be traced back to a single nutritional deficiency! While drugs often do provide blessed symptom relief, in most cases they don't actually cure the disease. By virtue of the fact that they steal nutrients from your system or prevent their absorption, they could even be causing more diseases. As you will soon see, if you run low on even one vital nutrient, you can experience a veritable cascade of uncom