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Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) have become very common health discomforts that are seriously battling with men and women around the globe because many unknown or undiagnosed infected persons transfer the STDs to non-infected persons through sexual intercourse, exchange of saliva via kissing, reused of a contaminated needle or sharp objects, etc. However, this Dr. Sebi Curative Alkaline Diets & Herbs Book will completely provide you absolute solution to any form of STDs you may be suffering from through the comprehensive step by step do-it-yourself methods of treating yourself. Dr. Sebi is highly informative and helpful to all beginners and vegetarians that are using Dr. Sebi approved alkaline diets and herbal medicine for the first time or you have been disappointed severally through non-informative natural books before now. Be rest assured, this Dr. Sebi Book will perfectly guide you on how you can effectively use all the approved curative alkaline diets and herbs to cleanse, detox, and revitalize your electric body with the recommended healthy intermittent fasting that will enable you to achieve the perfect cure on STDs like Genital Herpes, HIV, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Cancroid, Chlamydia, Trichomoniasis, Staphylococcal Infection, etc, that are incurable through conventional treatments or orthodox. Dr. Sebi had been a wonderful and reliable alkaline cell food and herbal therapist during his lifetime. He was able to cure virtually all the incurable depressive diseases like STDs, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, fibroid, obesity, skin infections, heart/liver/kidney diseases… and several others with the use of his approved selected alkaline diets and herbs that contain a huge amount of therapeutic biominerals of anti-inflammatory, natural immune enhancement, antibiotics, detoxifying and cleansing properties. Finally, in this Dr. Sebi Book you will fully learn: The Scientists’ view on STDs’ causes, mode of transmission, and general precautions. Complete Dr. Sebi step by step method to cure STDs. The secret behind the efficacy of Dr Sebi’s approved cookbook, food list, and herbal medicine for STDs. Dr. Sebi alkaline diets and herbs for regular consumption Bad food and things you should not do during the treatment according to Dr. Sebi facts to cure STDs… and many others. Note: Do not combine Dr. Sebi recommended herbal treatment with other herbal formulations or prescribed pharmaceutical medications or over-the-counter (otc) drugs. Take a wise step to get your copy of this book now by clicking on the “BUY NOW” button.