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Product Description This is a winter twist on the classic Dr. Martens 8-eye boot. The Serena has the extra-tough, durable Ben sole: chunky grooves with bars and stars underneath for solid footing. Even better it's lined with soft, rich white faux fur. Leather with a subtle grain feature and and oily surface - burnished to darken toe and counters of shoes.Este es un giro de invierno en la clásica bota de 8 ojos Dr. Martens. La Serena tiene la suela Ben extra resistente y duradera: ranuras gruesas con barras y estrellas debajo para un pie sólido. Aún mejor está forrado con suave pelo blanco artificial. Cuero con una característica de grano sutil y superficie aceitosa - bruñido para oscurecer dedo del pie y mostradores de zapatos.זהו טוויסט חורפי על מגף 8 עיניים קלאסי של Dr. Martens. לסרינה יש את סוליית בן קשיחה ועמידה במיוחד: חריצים עבים עם מוטות וכוכבים מתחת לרגליים מוצקות. אפילו טוב יותר הוא מרופד בפרווה לבנה מלאכותית רכה ועשירה. עור עם מרקם עדין ומשטח שמנוני - מבריק כדי להכהות את הבוהן ואת דלפקי הנעליים.Dies ist eine Winter-Variante des klassischen Dr. Martens 8-Loch-Stiefels. Der Serena hat die extra robuste, langlebige Ben Sohle: klobige Rillen mit Stegen und Sternen darunter für einen festen Stand. Noch besser, es ist mit weichem, reichhaltigem Kunstfell gefüttert. Leder mit einer dezenten Narbung und einer öligen Oberfläche - brüniert, um Zehen und Schuhmarken zu verdunkeln.هذا الحذاء الكلاسيكي ذو الثمانية فتحات. تتميز Serena بنعل Ben متين وقوي للغاية: أخاديد مكتنزة مع قضبان ونجوم تحتها من أجل أقدام صلبة. والأفضل من ذلك أنه مبطن بالفرو الأبيض الصناعي الناعم والغني. جلد مع ميزة الحبوب الدقيقة وسطح زيتي - مصقول ليغمق أصابع القدم وعداد الأحذية.这款经典的 Dr. Martens 8 眼靴是冬季的扭曲。 赛琳娜具有超坚固耐用的 Ben 鞋底:厚实的凹槽,下方有横条和星星,稳固站立。 更妙的是,它衬有柔软丰富的人造白毛皮。 皮革具有细微纹理特征和油性表面 - 抛光以使脚趾和鞋柜变暗。這是經典的 Dr. Martens 8 孔靴的冬季風格。 Serena 鞋底格外堅固、耐用 Ben 鞋底:粗凹槽下方有條狀和星星,提供堅實的鞋底。 更棒的是,內襯柔軟、豐富的人造白毛。 皮革具有細微的紋理和油性表面 - 拋光使腳趾和鞋數變暗。클래식 닥터마틴 8홀 부츠의 겨울 트위스트입니다. Serena는 매우 튼튼하고 내구성이 뛰어난 Ben So를 가지고 있습니다: 두툼한 그루브와 아래에 바 및 별이 있어 단단한 발판을 제공합니다. 부드럽고 풍부한 인공 화이트 모피로 안감을 덧대어 더욱 좋습니다. 섬세한 그레인 특징과 기름진 표면의 가죽 - 발가락과 신발의 카운터를 어둡게 하기 위해 광택 처리 되었습니다. From the Manufacturer Dr. Martens is the stuff of legends. It all began near Munich, Germany in 1945 when Dr. Klaus Maertens injured his foot in a skiing accident in the Bavarian Alps. To make walking easier during the healing process, he designed a shoe with an air-cushioned sole. Using old rubber tires, he constructed soles that had air trapped within closed compartments. He showed his prototype to his engineer/inventor friend, Dr. Herbert Funck, and together they decided to develop and produce the shoes. Not only did the shoe solve the doctor's immediate problem, but it also started to sell well in Germany. By 1959 the two decided that they needed a company to produce and distribute the shoes, then called Dr. Maertens, in other parts of the world. At first, many manufacturers rejected the concept of an air cushioned sole as a short-lived gimmick. However, the R. Griggs Group, located in the village of Wollaston in England, decided to go along with the idea by creating the first work boot with the revolutionary sole. On the first of April 1960, the first cherry red eight-eyelet work boot was produced and named 1460. To sell the brand name better in England, the name was anglicized to Dr. Martens. The range was branded AirWair and the rest is history.