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DR Instruments Comprehensive dissection kit with 37 tools. "Not Intended for Human Use and or Clinical Applications" 5. 5 Specimen Serrated Forceps 4. 5 Fine point Forceps 4. 5 2 x 1 Tooth Tissue Forceps 5. 5 Scalpel Knife Handle # 4 5 Scalpel Knife Handle # 3 5. 5 Operating Scissors: Sharp Blunt Straight 4. 5 Iris Scissors 5 Mosquito Forceps 5 Mosquito forceps Curved 5 Dissecting Spatula 5 Grove director 5 Needle Straight Point 6 Needle Curved Point 6 Ruler with inch and cm markings 4 Magnifier folding Disposable blades #22 10 pcs Disposable blades #10 10 pcs Deluxe dissecting case with zipper