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WALK WITHOUT DISCOMFORT Our lives are busy, and irritation shouldn't slow you down. This simple and flexible product protects you with every step from in-grown toenails, soreness and calluses.SIMPLE PROBLEMS CALL FOR SIMPLE SOLUTIONSNo need to apply excessive bandages or ointments when a small tailor-made piece of soft rubber can get the job done.LESS BULKY Slim design allows for these to disappear under socks and inside shoes.HIGH QUALITY Toe protectors cushion feet and toes like medical grade silicone cushions .GUARD YOUR JOINTSPad ingrown toenails, corns, blisters, even a stubbed toe. Works in boots, for runners, even in a ballet shoe.PRECAUCIONES RUBBING DOLOROSO:Protéjase contra los callos, ampollas e irritación causada por caminar o actividad ligera como golf y tenis.