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Need a Toke, Bro? How can Netherlandsball always be so high, when such a low country? The appearance of Israel as a cube is because: Israel was created by the UK from the leftovers of the Ottoman empire hence the "unnatural" appearance. Netherlandsball (aka Dutchball) is usually stoned. Most of the time he can be found smoking weed with Jamaicaball and Uruguayball. In the tiny bit of time that he's not high though, he's friendly to most countries. His capital city Amsterdam is arguably one of the backpacker & weed capitals of the world. He actually has a lot of money for a stoner, due to being an excellent banker and ex-colonialist, and is a very good swimmer since most of the time his clay is underwater. At least a third of Netherlandball's land is below sea level, and the rest is still very low- over half of Netherlandball's clay is only 1 meter or less above Sea level. As such he is very good at building dams to protect his clay from flooding, and developing new technology to reclaim even more land from his bitter lifelong enemy (The Sea) The Netherlands favourite colour is orange, and they are also known for their excellent Bicycles, Tulips, Windmills, Clogs & Cheese. If you're a fan of The Netherlands, show your love, do yourself a favor and grab a Netherlandsball today! Check out our other Countryball Plushies available now! More Coming soon! Collect Them All!