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Review If the current proliferation of newsgroups, tournaments, supplements and level editors is any indication, Descent is approaching the popularity of that other D game. What more can be said about a true 3-D, real time, multi-player dogfight free-for-all with a killer soundtrack? Descent II expands upon the original's x-y-z axis combat with 30 new levels (culminating in a battle inside the enemy mother ship), a scout recon robot which comes back for you if you fall behind, a suitably loud and grinding soundtrack (by Ogre of Skinny Puppy, with Redbook Audio, no less), a particularly irritating "thief-bot" enemy that hunts you down and drains your energy, and a new AI scheme which Interplay assures me will adapt to my style of playing (although I still seem to be able to fool it with decidedly Germanic dogfight tactics--he who hath ears, let him hear). If you don't like Descent at least a little bit, make no mistake, there is something wrong with you. Descent II's huge replay value and absolutely insane network play should ensure its popularity for a long time --Chris Hudak --Copyright ©1998 GameSpot Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of GameSpot is prohibited. -- GameSpot Review