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About Company: Delmera is a professional manufacturer of emergency blankets, emergency sleeping bags and emergency tents. Our company pays attention to product R&D and design and has always been on the road to continuous improvement and innovation. We strictly control the quality of our products and aim to sell high-quality products that satisfy our customers. About Product: Emergency Mylar Thermal Blankets are made of top-quality materials. The thick Mylar foil is very tough and can withstand even the harshest of outdoor weather conditions. They boast 90% body heat retention. These blankets can also fit in any emergency or survival kit, so they can be your first idea for a survival blanket. About Packaging: Three types of packaging: 4 packs, 6 packs, 10 packs. You can choose according to your needs. The packaging is so compact and light weight, several packs can fit in sport jump bags or outdoor adventure backpacks. You shouldn't go anywhere in the wilderness or travel far during the winter without such a blanket. About Instructions: It is also very important to know how to properly use such blankets, as they are not made of organic or synthetic material, but of aluminum. Some people don't use them properly and claim that the blanket doesn't keep them warm. In order to make the most of it, you need to wrap it around you in such a way, that (cold) air can't go in and warm air can't escape. About Service: We promise to deliver the highest quality safety products and if you're not happy for any reason, get your money back, Guaranteed! No Questions asked.