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WARNING: This Could Help You Retain 100% of What You Hear And Change The Way You Take Notes! Ever noticed how fast you can forget information? It's almost crazy how fast ideas, memories and experiences can leave our brains without a moment's notice. Even simple things like where you put your keys, or what you wanted to get at the grocery store, or the great win you had earlier in the day. Information is as slippery as water, and if it isn't recorded quickly, it can slip through our fingers. We like to think of our dB9PRO mp3 Voice Recorder acting like Dumbledore's famous pensieve (from Harry Potter) to quickly store important facts and experiences. So next time you need to remember the five things your wife told you to get done by noon, you will have a little friendly help to remind you of what she said. Important Features of our dB9PRO Digital Voice Recorder / mp3 Player 1. Up to 96 Hrs of Recording Storage Space or 8GB of data 2. Rechargeable Battery (20-24 Hours of Recording Capability per Battery Charge) 3. Compatible with Mac and PC Computers (Mac computers need VLC Media Player and Windows 10 users can use Windows Media Player 4. Voice Operated Recording Feature (optional free upgrade) 5. Headphones Included 6. Charging USB Cable Included 7. Complimentary e-Book with Game Ideas, Tips, & Tutorials 8. Built-In High Sensitivity Microphone 9. Use as a MP3 player to play your recordings and music on the go all day 10. Very portable and easy to carry 11. Comes with a clip to easily attach it to a bag or pocket. 12. Records Sounds up to 15-20 ft away 13. Easy to switch between player and recorder mode: Simply plug in your earphones to switch to mp3 player mode and unplug them to record.