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Product Description #1 Amazon Nonfiction Inspirational Autobiography for Christian Leadership ... Captivating Memoir Juxtaposes Faith and Navy SEAL Military Training Multi-Award Winner Including the 2020 Nonfiction Authors Association "Gold" Award"Thank you for not only serving our country but for opening up to tell the world about your Christianity..." Medal of Honor Gold Star Family MemberFor Larry Fowler, Navy SEAL training was almost a killer. Hell Week, swimming in human waste in the Tijuana mudflats, and six months of mental torture can ruin anyone's desire to achieve their goals, much less find their purpose in life.This Christian leadership best seller may forever change how you view faith while giving you an insider's look into U.S. Navy SEAL training. This is a book you will refer to time and time again as you encounter and navigate life's challenges.WANT THE CONFIDENCE LIKE ANAVY SEAL IN TRAININGThrive forward in life no matter how dire your circumstances.DON'T RUN FROM FEARS, TRIALS& TROUBLES BUT TO THEMThe easy life is easy but never worth following.EMBRACE YOUR SCARS ASNECESSARY STEP IN YOUR LIFE JOURNEYSee yourself as God sees you and live fearlessly. Be your best comeback story.LIVE AND THRIVE BOLDLY IN LIFEEVERYDAYThis book will pull you in, encourage you, and ignite a fire to live a life of true Christian faith.True Christian living is not prison but a pathway to freedom. Enjoy your copy of Dare To Live Greatly Today! Review "A very positive, encouraging book that gives insight into how the author survived the grueling training to become a Navy SEAL and the mental approach and underlying beliefs everyone needs in order to reach their goal. The training was clearly more brutal than would be expected today, but for those who survived it and became SEALs, it is a badge of honor. It wouldn't normally be my choice of book, but it draws you in to see links between being a SEAL and a Christian, a new perspective on how he uses his faith throughout his life. Some great little anecdotes such as the reference to "stop bleeding on the deck and get back in the pool" and the reference to avoiding sappers - those who sap your energy. I loved the story of how helmet his wife but was very sad as he shared memories of the death of his son. This is a powerful story that will resonate with many readers, whatever their religious beliefs." - Nonfiction Authors Association Book Awards Program "There is not another person who has been through the fire quite like Larry. He really has been through just about everything . . . from BUDS/Navy Seal training to business to cancer. It really is quite the epic story." -- B. Bufton, Publisher, "It was a great read . . .tremendously inspirational! I became misty-eyed more than once while reading it."--SEAL Team Commander A. Davis "God has given Larry a great reservoir of gentle strength and quiet fortitude that equipped him with the ability to not only exceed his own expectations but to inspire and encourage other trainees like me to succeed." --G. Cortise, SEAL, BUD/S Class 89 "I witnessed this man who would rather drown trying than give up his dream of becoming a SEAL. Somehow, someway, he made it through that night. It became an inspiration for me and others who witnessed his fortitude and perseverance. Frankly, I thought he would surely quit or drown. Larry became a shining example of never giving up on your dream." S. Rawding, SEAL, BUD/S Class 89 Dare to Live Greatly: The Courage to Live a Powerful Christian Life by L.C. Fowler is a fantastic and uplifting memoir and guidebook chronicling a tadpole's beginnings into a fearless Special Warfare Community. Fowler encourages readers to live a powerful Christian life through his lessons learned as a Basic Underwater Demolition SEAL (BUD/S) training in 1977 in Coronado, California. His book is more than a telling of life in the BUD/S training; his book gives other