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Do you find that you can't get an erection, or the erection you get is barely hard enough to count as one? Do you ejaculate when you are just starting to have sex, much to the dismay of your partner? Have you wasted your time and money on dubious erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation remedies that don't work? Imagine getting strong, consistent erections, and lasting longer in bed without having to resort to expensive pharmaceutical drugs or supplements that come with their own risks. All you have to do is take a few minutes every other day to perform some simple exercises that are easy to learn. What if all your sex-related problems could be solved by a simple workout that barely requires any physical exertion? We are talking about pelvic floor muscle exercises for men. Within just three weeks of doing these exercises, which take less than ten minutes per session and can be done anywhere, you will start noticing a reversal in erectile dysfunction, and you will regain control over your penis so that you get to decide on your own, exactly when to ejaculate. All you need to do is learn to follow a series of precisely outlined instructions, and you will be free to perform these exercises as often as you want and condition your penis until it regains its maximum strength and then some. Eradicate erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, and become the stud you were born to be. We all know that erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are the most demoralizing experiences that we can have as men. That is why it sickens me that many companies and gurus out there are trying to make money from our insecurities by selling us products which are essentially pseudoscientific hype. That's why this book cuts through the fluff and focuses on simple solutions that have been proven to work. This book works because every piece of advice we provide has a simple anatomical or biological explanation, and all that's asked of you is to put in a little bit of physical exercise to get the result you want. There are no magical solutions here. You are required to learn the precise techniques for performing these exercises, follow our holistically designed workout routines, make a few specific lifestyle changes, and in the end, your penis function will be better than ever. "Pelvic floor exercises and biofeedback are an effective treatment for men with erectile dysfunction" – The British Journal of General Practice. In this book you will discover: - How ED and premature ejaculation come about, and how to keep them at bay. - What foods to eat or avoid to cure your ED. - What your pelvic floor muscles are and why strengthening them will turn you into a stud. - Simple sexercises that you can do even in public to enhance your sexual performance. - Natural ways to reverse erectile dysfunction without resorting to expensive pharmaceuticals. You can have a rock hard erection and satisfying sex without the aid of pharmaceuticals. All you've got to do is learn and practice the techniques outlined in this book. Take the first step to cure your erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation today. Come inside and let's get started!