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Why Thick Bar Training? Try contracting just your bicep with an open hand. Then, contract your bicep plus your forearm with a closed fist. You will notice a much stronger contraction in your bicep when your fist is closed. This is called muscle irradiation. The basic principle of irradiation states that the harder a muscle contracts, the harder the surrounding muscle contracts. This is the principle behind the movement to thicker training bars. If your hand is contracting more because the bar is thicker and awkward to control, the entire muscle group activated by the exercise will be more engaged. In the early days of bodybuilding and weight lifting, thick handle barbells were more common with 2 inch plus outside diameters. Today, most gyms and weightlifting / training centers are equipped with barbells and dumbbells with 1 inch handles. However, there is a resurgence in thick handle training equipment because trainers, athletes, bodybuilders and recreational lifters are re-discovering the significant benefits when the Fit Grips are used.