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The paradigm of ‘multi-agent’ cooperative control isthe challenge frontier for new control system application domains,and as a research area it has experienced a considerable increasein activity in recent years. This volume, the result of a UCLAcollaborative project with Caltech, Cornell and MIT, presentscutting edge results in terms of the “dimensions” ofcooperative control from leading researchers worldwide. Thisdimensional decomposition allows the reader to assess themulti-faceted landscape of cooperative control. Cooperative Control of Distributed Multi-Agent Systems isorganized into four main themes, or dimensions, of cooperativecontrol: distributed control and computation, adversarialinteractions, uncertain evolution and complexity management. Themilitary application of autonomous vehicles systems or multipleunmanned vehicles is primarily targeted; however much of thematerial is relevant to a broader range of multi-agent systemsincluding cooperative robotics, distributed computing, sensornetworks and data network congestion control.Cooperative Control of Distributed Multi-Agent Systems offersthe reader an organized presentation of a variety of recentresearch advances, supporting software and experimental data on theresolution of the cooperative control problem. It will appeal tosenior academics, researchers and graduate students as well asengineers working in the areas of cooperative systems, control andoptimization.