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Dialogue management technology has developed rapidly over the yearsresulting in real-time applications like telephony directories,timetable enquiries, and in-car applications. However, the currenttechnology is still largely based on models that use rigid commandlanguage type interactions, and the users need to adapt their humancommunication strategies to the needs of the technology. As anincreasing number of interactive ubiquitous applications willappear, challenges for interaction technology concern especiallynatural, more human-friendly communication. Recent research hasfocused on developing speech-based interactive systems that aim toincrease the system’s communicative competence. By includingaspects of interaction beyond simple speech recognition andquestion-answer based interaction, applications with moreconversational interfaces have become possible. New dialoguemanagement technology needs to address the challenges inhuman-technology interaction, so that smart environments should notonly enable user-controlled command interfaces but equipapplications with a capability that affords easy and friendlyinteractions with the user. Dialogue Modelling: Speech Interaction and RationalAgents provides an overview of the current dialogue technologyand research trends in spoken dialogue systems, presenting acoherent perspective of AI-based cooperative interactionmanagement. The book complements existing research regardinghuman-computer interfaces, speech and language technology, andcommunication studies in general, bringing different view-pointstogether and integrating them into a single point of reference.Constructive Dialogue Modelling:Presents a guide to spoken dialogue technology and currentresearch trends.Provides an overview of human factors in dialogue systems anddelivers a new metaphor for human-computer interaction and computeras agent.Explains the architecture of dialogue systems using examplesfrom systems such as Interact and DUMASOffers a comprehensive overview of original research into thenew trends in speech dialogue technology in light of innovationssuch as ubiquitous computing.This book will provide essential reading for industrialdesigners and interface engineers, university researchers andteachers, computer scientists, human communication researchers,speech and language technologists, cognitive engineers/cognitivescientists, as well as social and media researchers, andpsychologists. Advanced students and researchers in computerscience, speech and language technologies, psychology andcommunication research will find this text of interest.