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Product Description Concepts in Bioinformatics and Genomics takes a conceptual approach to its subject, balancing biology, mathematics, and programming while highlighting relevant real-world applications and providing students with the tools to compute and analyze biological data. It presents many thought-provoking exercises that will stretch students' imaginations and give them a deeper understanding of the molecular biology, basic probability, software programs, and program-coding methodology underpinning this exciting field. Review It is a real problem that bioinformatics requires aptitude in both biology and computing, yet the textbook market has not fully risen to meet this challenge for the undergraduates. I see this text as helping to bridge this gap. I would consider adopting this text because it is taking the biology-computation balance seriously and using what has become the dominant scripting language for biologists, Python. --Preston Aldrich, Bendectine University Concepts in Bioinformatics and Genomics is an excellent book covering bioinformatics concept essential for undergraduate students in bioinformatics majors, or biomedical informatics majors. What I like the most is the 'real life' sort of example and exercises provided throughout the chapters. --Mai Zahran, CUNY New York City College of Technology I am excited about this new bioinformatics book that is well-suited for either computer science students without much of a background in biology, or my more typical case of biology students without much of a background in computer science. I think the book will withstand the test of time in that it does not rely on ever-changing websites for practical exercises but on learning concepts and developing thought processes that will help students understand the field of bioinformatics. I think that this book will keep the students' interest as well as teach them all the principles of bioinformatics that they need to know. --James S. Godde, Monmouth College "First and foremost, this text has well-balanced coverage of the subject, in both breadth and depth, between biology and computing. The overall presentation is pedagogically well crafted with a lot of concrete examples and graphics. I am sure that this book will positively impact the teaching of bioinformatics."--Li Liao, University of Delaware I like the approach of focusing on fundamentals, as well as flexibility of chapter ordering, which would work with my applications-focused approach where I can focus on specific modules depending on semester/class composition. Compared with my current text (Pevsner's 2nd ed), this is appealing. --Helen Piontkivska, Kent State University Prof. Jamil Momand book "Concepts of Bioinformatics and Genomics" represents a solid addition to the list of existing bioinformatics textbooks. The approach taken by Prof. Jamil Momand, where he combines simply worded description of complex problems with exciting examples and historical facts makes this book an interesting read. In my view, this is exactly what we need. --Vladimir Uversky, University of South Florida "After using this text students will be able to grasp difficult areas of computational biology and gain an appreciation for and excitement about the potential that bioinformatics offers."--Erich Baker, Baylor University About the Author Jamil Momand is Professor of Biochemistry at California State University, Los Angeles. He received the Cal State LA Outstanding Professor Award for the 2014-2015 academic year. Alison McCurdy is Professor of Chemistry at California State University, Los Angeles. She was the recipient of the 2009 California State University Distinguished Woman Award.