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CleanSmart is a revolutionary skin cleanser that's naturally moisturizing. It won’t dry hands out with frequent use. It uses the same great Hypochlorous as the rest of CleanSmart products to keep your family healthy. Contains no harmful chemicals or harsh ingredients. Using is easy: it sprays on and rubs in quickly and is safe to use on kids, babies, seniors, sensitive skin, anyone. Safe for all skin. (Tip: this cleanser also works great to clean electronic screens – just mist and wipe off!) These three 2oz bottles are perfect for the backpack, purse, briefcase, car, diaper bag. CleanSmart is a totally new technology, taken from the medical field and made affordable for your home. It is not bleach or chlorine in any way, it is new, simple science that actually copies how all mammals kill germs. Read about it and you will be amazed. IMPORTANT SCENT NOTE: Hypochlorous has a natural light scent like a swimming pool. This is normal and it goes away quickly. The product is not bleach or diluted bleach in any way. Hypochlorous is how the white blood cells of all mammals kill germs and protect skin. We replicate it exactly like nature does and add nothing else. Winter shipping - do not let freeze.